Monday, May 31, 2010

In which I am S.A.D.

No, no, don't start sending me copious pictures of cats wearing shoes and/or other clothing or speculating on the cost of mailing Prozac cross-continentally, its not that bad. However, I seem to have come down with a mild case of Seasonal Affective Disorder. But Ellen, you say, Seasonal Affective Disorder is for people who live in cabins in Alaska where the lack of sunlight for six months of the year turns them into depressed alcoholics, and/or vampires depending on your level of interest in the movie "30 Days of Night," not young students studying abroad in sunny Australia. Well, Australia it may be, but sunny it is not at the moment (forgive my syntax, I am depressed you see). At the moment, changes are occurring in Melbourne. Leaves are turning colors and, more distressingly, falling. Days are cooler, nights are frigid, and I am suddenly overcome by urges to wear wool sweaters and to buy a beanie. This can only mean one thing: I am experiencing Fall. For the second time this year. Alarming, to say the least. Watching the days get shorter and colder is bad enough once a year, let alone twice, and the feeling is leaving me slightly This is not to say that this is all bad; generally speaking, I very much enjoy Fall. There is something to be said for curling up in bed with a good movie and a mug of tea on a rainy day, and I do love sweaters. Just not in May.
Fortunately, there is light at the end of the tunnel. At the end of June, once my exams are finally over, I'll be moving up to sunny Queensland, the Australian equivalent of Florida, where the sun is warm and the people are tacky. Sigh. Can't wait. Jamie and I will be playing house for a little over month, wherein I will perfect my 1950's housewife impression, and he will choke down cooking experiment after cooking experiment. Fortunately, I have chocolate chip cookies down pat (baking is an excellent activity when one is suffering from cabin fever) so if worse comes to worst, he can survive off of them.
So unfortunately, this means I won't be returning home to California until early August. I miss my family and friends with an emotional depth I wasn't sure I was capable of, but I'm very excited for what the near future has to bring me in Australia. And, gentle readers, this means the blogging will continue as Jamie and I settle into domestic bliss...or some vague approximation of it.

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