Friday, January 1, 2010

In which I am resolute

I've never really been a "New Year's Resolution" kind of gal. Then again, I've never really been a "go to Australia for a semester" kind of gal either, so what the hell, here we go:

1. I will say "yes" to things that I otherwise would have said "no" to not because I don't want to do them, but because saying "no" is easier.
2. My vegetarianism will no longer be conditional on my sobriety.
2a. Despite my vegetarianism, I will continue to eat breakfast sausage because I love it and it really doesn't count as meat, as I suspect it is mainly feet, eyeballs, and plastic.
3. I will not take advantage of the fact that my family loves me unconditionally.
4. I will try new things whilst in Australia, and provided nothing goes horribly wrong with that, I might even bring that one stateside with me.
5. I will floss.
6. I will not get eaten by a saltwater crocodile, and will not let the fear of such an incident keep me out of the ocean in Australia.
7. I will stop projecting positive qualities upon people who don't deserve them because its easier than admitting that people I love are flawed.
8. I will stop exaggerating negative qualities in people who don't deserve it because its easier than giving them a chance.
9. I will not let people stress me out by having "plans" or "knowing what they want to do in life." Overrated if you ask me.
10. I will CONSTANTLY remind myself how lucky I am for all the blessings in my life.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. 2010? You're mine, bitch.

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