Monday, January 18, 2010

In which my parents are jetsetters

This morning, I dropped my parents off at the airport where they are headed to Austria for their 25th wedding anniversary. Austria is a bizarre source of common ground for them, but they've never been there together. My mother studied abroad in Salzburg as an undergrad, and my father spent two years in Vienna working at a research center focused on promoting collaboration between Eastern and Western bloc countries during the 70s. Over the next two weeks, they will be visiting Vienna and Salzburg, two places that had a lot of significance for them as individuals, now as a couple for the first time.
I'm so proud of my parents for making it 25 years in the marriage. I know that it hasn't always been easy but they made it and I couldn't be happier for them!
So, congratulations, Mom and Dad, here's to 25 more!

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